Good Bugs

In farming there are good bugs and bad bugs. Good bacteria run the fermentation process to turn a grass or corn plant into a stable good quality feed for the cattle. Similar to sauerkraut or kimchi. This year we are adding extra good bugs/bacteria to the silage as we harvest.

Wildlife on the Farm

We share our farm with an abundance of wildlife. We have 750 acres total and about 300 of those acres are wooded. We have also built 7 ponds across the farm and a wetland. As I’m getting older I get more pleasure in finding pockets of wildlife.


We are preparing for winter in numerous ways. One of my favorite is stockpiling grass. Stockpiling is the term used for letting grass that grows during the summer to graze in the winter.


Rain! We finally got a good rain, 1.5” on Sunday and .4” on Monday! What a difference it makes. We went from dust and brown to back to green. Our pastures are in really good shape because of all the rain and cool weather in the spring. Most of our spring field work is done so now we are turn to our summer project time. We plan on putting up some hoop buildings to provide a better winter environment for the cows and lots of fencing projects.

Healthy Eaters of All Ages

We received this cute picture of a young healthy food eater from our friends at Grace Truck! We spent this week getting caught up on some farm projects that were put off with the silage/planting efforts over the last few weeks. Nice to get a break from long tractor days.

Corn is in the ground!

Been lots of long days on the farm. Ace & I have gotten too much tractor time together, I think she is ready to go back to moving cattle with me. The last 2 weeks of May were non-stop rain so everything got delayed & compressed into the last couple weeks. We chopped 150 acres of ryegrass for silage, spread manure and then this week planted corn on 250 acres