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Did you know that many school corporations across the Midwest are providing their K-12 school communities with Fischer Farms meats through the Local Foods for Schools Program?

Photo Courtesy of Region Roots Food Hub

If you have questions about how to procure local meats like Fischer Farms, contact the K-12 Specialist that works for your distributor. We work closely with our distribution network to ensure that school food service buyers get the cuts and grinds of meats they need, on the schedule that works for them.

Please see the information below regarding commonly ordered K-12 foods that are appropriate for school foodservice:

Fischer Farms: Commonly Ordered K-12 Foodservice Items with Nutrition Facts

Fischer Farms: Ground Beef Packaging and Nutrition Facts Guide

In addition, Fischer Farms works with Indiana Grown for Schools and the Farm to School Coordinators based with the Indiana Department of Health and Education, to coordinate on-farm tours and to provide marketing information. Please reach out if you are interested in learning more about how you and your culinary team can visit the farm!


We are excited to see the upcoming changes to the National School Lunch Program implemented over the next few school years. These changes will take place in areas like reduced sugar and sodium in ingredients and the definition of "local" to school food service buyers. This aligns well with our meats as we do not add fillers, preservatives, or added sodium and sugar!

See below for the complete timeline, provided by the USDA:

Click the graphic to learn more from the USDA

Please reach out below if we can help answer questions: