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Farm Changes In 2021

written by

David Fischer

posted on

April 2, 2021

Last Fall we explained how we have decided to switch to Forage Sorghum & Sorghum/Sudan grasses instead of corn silage in the summer months on our 280 acres of “crop ground”.  We are doing this to eliminate the GMO corn, eliminate herbicide & fungicides and to do more summer time grazing for our younger calves.  An interesting change this has allowed is more spring grazing. We can’t plant the Sorghums until early June and if we wait until about June 5-10 the ryegrass stops growing because of the heat.  So no herbicide is required to stop the ryegrass.  Previous years we stopped our ryegrass grazing on March 15 with expectations of chopping it by May 15 and planting corn.  So this year we are grazing all 280 acres until April 15-30 then pulling cows to fescue pastures and giving the ryegrass time to grow from April 30 – June 5.  So it gives us a whole additional month+ of spring time grazing.  Cows are loving it and it will reduce our annual feeding costs.  Fun stuff!!!

forage sorgum

Sorghum Sudangrass



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