World Environment Day- Sawdust Bedding for Cattle
posted on
June 7, 2023
Did you know we source the sawdust bedding for our cattle from nearby Ferdinand, Indiana?
That's right! There is a cabinet factory in Ferdinand that provides what we need for the cattle and in turn, for our fields.

We use the sawdust to provide a comfortable, dry bedding for the cattle to lay down in whenever they are in barns. We clean out the barns and replace with fresh sawdust frequently so that the sawdust stays dry. We then take this sawdust/manure mixture and spread it on our fields to add the organic matter from both the sawdust and the manure back onto the fields. It also adds nutrients back onto those fields that the forage/pasture/crop can use. It’s a way of recycling the sawdust from local factories into a great bedding for our cattle all while adding that valuable organic matter back to the soil!