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"Working Cattle"

written by

David Fischer

posted on

June 4, 2021

This time of year we are busy "working cattle" frequently. Depending on the group, we do a variety of things from just weighing them, giving them new ear tags, pregnancy checking the expecting mothers, sorting into new groups, etc.

Working cattle allows us to keep more detailed records of all our cattle and allows us to "reorganize" every once in a while. We may need to combine or split up groups depending on pasture availability and where each animal is at it's stage of life (e.g., expected birth date for mother cows, size of calves, bulls and heifers)

Running them all through our head chute requires a lot of cattle moving within the farm and Ace is always ready to help! A short bark from little Ace is often more effective than 2-3 people trying to convince a cow into the right field.

working cattle




mother cows and calves

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