Snowstorm Appreciation

written by

David Fischer

posted on

February 19, 2021

It was obviously a cold/snowy week on the farm. We need to give a shout out to our farm employees, Isaac Schaber, Cory Sickbert & Tony Brummett, who made it to work every day and braved the cold to care for the livestock.  Repetitive assignments of busting open waterers, cleaning roads, putting chains on the feed truck & making/delivering feed, putting fresh sawdust down in the barns and straw and hay outside for the cattle to bed in.  We stopped calving in Jan/Feb years ago because of weeks like this.  Our cattle did fine during the cold and compared to some farms I saw in the northern plains which had to deal with multiple days below 0, ours were in balmy southern Indiana with a low of 6.

Also, shout out to our meat processing employees Denise Betz, Lydia Burke, Emily Recker and Diana for fighting the bad roads to make it in every day to get the orders filled.  Thanks also to the Sander Processing crew for making it happen under difficult conditions. Also, we appreciate the truck drivers who braved the icy roads to get it to our customers. Lots of people had to brave the elements to keep the meat wheel turning. Thanks to everyone!


sawdust bedding





meat processing

Sander Processing

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