Partnership with the University of Kentucky

written by

David Fischer

posted on

February 5, 2021

We spent Wednesday of this week with five professors and other researchers from the University of Kentucky Agriculture Department.

We shared our practices and results from our ryegrass/corn rotations, water management, and cattle nutrition program. They brought along experienced soil and animal nutrition experts that were able to provide great information as we walked through the fields and brainstormed new opportunities to implement more regenerative agriculture practices across our farm. 

This is a growing partnership that we expect to be a great learning opportunity for both parties. We will give them full access to run soil tests, field plots, etc. and we can iterate on what is and is not working well. Because we control the entire process from mother cow to finished steer, we can track both the soil health and also the impact that it has on the beef and overall sustainability of the operation to provide good data for other farmers to implement in their operations.

soil health

soil regeneration

Soil Test



crop rotation

regenerative agriculture

Regenerative AG


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