January Grazing

written by

David Fischer

posted on

January 22, 2021

It’s been a beautiful January.  Here’s a pic of one of our momma cows out grazing yesterday.  We “stockpiled” about 260 acres of grass in 2020.  To stockpile grass we don’t graze those pastures after July 15th or so.  Then when the other pastures have run out of grass in November/December, we move the cows to the stockpiled grass.  Even though some of the grass looks dead, it still has more nutrition than hay.  It’s also great for the cows to be out grazing for more months out of the year.  Currently we have 192 cows that are still out grazing.  They will all run out of pasture sometime in February.  Then we will bring them all home and feed them silage.  By the end of March they will all be back out on pastures as the new grass gets started.  Every year we are trying to stockpile more grass and keep the cows out on pastures longer.

mother cows and calves






Rotational Grazing


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