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Fast Growing Grass

written by

David Fischer

posted on

June 24, 2022

We got about 85 acres pf sorghum x sudan grass planted last week and this week.  Here’s a picture of what we planted last week already peaking up through the ground. We will be grazing in about 30 days when it gets 30” tall. At that point it grows 5” per day! So we will try to keep the cattle to graze it down but some areas we won’t get to and will be cutting 8’ tall sudan for silage. It makes great feed.

We have about another 30 acres to haul manure on and get sowed in the next couple of weeks. It’s a great crop for us to rebuild some pastures that got tore up by cows in the winter months. Now that the cows are off on other grass pastures we can rejuvenate these. We are also doing some continued experiments with grazing 650 to 1,000 lbs cattle in an attempt to get well marbled cattle on grass finished. We are in year 2 of a 3 year study that is partially funded by a SARE grant. More about this in another week’s update! 

Sorghum Sudangrass






crossbred grass


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