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Earth Day

written by

David Fischer

posted on

April 23, 2021

Earth Day was yesterday so we thought we'd do an overview of some of the sustainability practices that we have in place.

Rotational Grazing: we frequently rotate our cattle from one pasture to the next. This allows the cattle to enjoy tall nutritious grass and allows the fields to recover in between 

Carbon Sequestering: year-round, high yield forages capture carbon out of the air and retain it in the soil to actually reverse climate change

Rebuilding Topsoil: adding organic matter and soil biodiversity creates a natural soil ecosystem that is rich in nutrients and drought resistant

Water Conservation: capturing runoff from fields allows us to reuse the water in cattle troughs and irrigate fields during dry periods (and creates some great fishing spots!)

Natural Water Filtration: the network of 7 ponds and then a manmade serpentine wetland makes sure that any water that leaves the farm is clean from any manure runoff from our fields

Soy Biodiesel: most of the fuel used for the day-to-day activities on the farm is made from soy biodiesel, reducing the amount of fossil fuels used to operate tractors and other equipment throughout the year

Carbon Negative: the combination of the above practices and an efficient delivery network, results in an overall carbon NEGATIVE supply chain. Meat you can enjoy and feel good about your impact on the environment!

We are always happy to do farm tours so please let us know if you would be interested in coming down, we'd love to host you!


sustainable farming

regenerative agriculture

soil regeneration

regeneratively farmed

Carbon Capture

Carbon Sequestration

carbon footprint

top soil

Water Conservation

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